Stone Genealogy

John Stone (1750-1827)    William Stone (1772-1856)

Crockett Leonard (Born 1842)

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Born: 1842 Father: Zeno W. Leonard (15Mar1810 - 15Aug1885)
Died: Mother: Harriett Leonard (06Jan1813 - 15Jan1901)
Children: Siblings: Mariah Leonard (30Aug1839 - 05Aug1921)
Julian Leonard (Born 1843)
Harrison Leonard (Born 1845)
Eleanor Leonard (10Feb1847 - 10Aug1905)
Emaline Blair Leonard (10May1849 - 08Aug1938)
Monroe Leonard (12Jan1852 - 17Dec1920)
Floyd Leonard (17Aug1854 - 17Apr1914)
Crockett served with the CSA during the Civil War and died of pneumonia. He is buried in WV.
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