Stone Genealogy

John Stone (1750-1827)    William Stone (1772-1856)

Patrick Sprint (1774 - 23Jan1815)

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Born: 1774 Father:
Died: 23Jan1815 Mother:
Children: Thomas H Sprint (1804 - 1862)
Married: Polly Susannah Stone on 25Feb1796 at Frederick Cty Va
Year of birth & death from DAR member Julia Elizabeth Sprint Ferguson's application DAR Info differ from the following: "From the marriage and obituary citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia-- Farmers’ Repository Died- On Monday, Mr. Patrick Sprint, of Charles-Town, Va. (now in W.Va.) (p. 3, c. 2) publication date: Thursday, January 26, 1815"
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