Stone Genealogy

John Stone (1750-1827)    William Stone (1772-1856)

Phebe Etter (Born circa 1839)

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Born: circa 1839 Father: Jefferson Etter (Born 10Dec1803)
Died: Mother:
Children: Siblings: James Etter (Born circa 1832)
George Etter (Born circa 1833)
Emanuel Etter (Born circa 1837)
Barbara Etter (01Aug1837 - 24Oct1914)
John Etter (Born circa 1841)
William Etter (Born circa 1843)
Mary Etter (Born circa 1845)
Harriet Etter (Born circa 1847)
Franklin Etter (Born circa 1848)
Joseph Etter (Born circa 1850)
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