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Herdsires of Abenaki Acres

Gallimore Cemetery on Chestnut Creek

This page really needs work. I'm leaving it up for you can wade thru & look at the pictures. Some pictures don't belong here for they are of the house foundations. The cemeterey pictures are towards the bottom of the page. I'll clean these up soon.
Fritz 19Aug2012

On 04Mar2011 Sara & Fritz Reuning took pictures of the Gallimore cemetery located at N36deg 42.458 W 80deg 55.266 in Carroll county north of Galax, Va not far from Chestnut Creek. I'm indebted to Linda & Luke Amrein who shared Ferrell Glenn Gallimore's map of the cemetery with me as well as Google Earth corrdinates of their best guess of the cemetery location. I'm also indebted to Bobby Dillon who allowed us access to the property and led us immediately to the old Gallimore house & Stone cabin location. Finding the cemetery was another matter. Bobby, who recalls riding by the cemetery on his motorcycle in his younger years, eventually called a friend who pointed him in the right direction.
Note that most graves have a footstone which gives the impression there are more graves. Also note that a large tree has fallen almost on top of John Stone's grave. So only graves Ellen to Victoria can be seen on this side of the tree. Also graves John to Virgil are marked with stones that are not upright but flat on the ground.
EllenClaraPaul*RileyVictoriaJohn SarahMarthaVirgilunmarked
1931Nov1920Aug1920 193218911867 Jul1862May1862Feb1862**
Gallimore house in foreground. John Stone (1800-1867) cabin in right rear of picture circa 1930.
Gallimore-Stone Family Cemetery circa 1930. Located approximately x feet NE of the houses. Linda's uncle Howard Gallimore sitting on the fence. Riley Emerson Gallimore and his second wife Elverda Gutshall Gallimore circa 1920. Picture taken near the houses.
Gallimore-Stone Family Cemetery circa 1930. Located approximately x feet NE of the houses. Linda's uncle Howard Gallimore sitting on the fence. 65 - This picture shows the Gallimore graves that can be seen in Linda's picture. (Actually pic 63 shows all 4 gravestones.) The angle of this pic looks pretty close to being the same as Linda's picture. The house off in the distance cannot be the Gallimore house for it is in the opposite direction. We found Ellen Bobbit Gallimore's tombstone on the ground covered with leaves & some dirt (compost). This stone is not in Linda's pic which would imply the picture was taken before Ellen's death on Dec 10, 1931. 63
Gallimore house in foreground. John Stone (1800-1867) cabin in right rear of picture circa 1930.
47 - Gallimore chimney from outside the house. 48 - Gallimore chimney from outside the house.
40 - showing more of the old foundation which I'm now thinking is that of the Stone cabin. 41 - slightly turned to the left from pic 42 viewing old foundation. 42 - old home site. Chimney to the right. Foundation rocks (of either Gallimore house or Stone cabin) to the left.
43 - Another shot of the chimney. These pics were taken around noon, so the shadows are pretty close to north-south direction. 44 - taken pretty close to spot where 43 was taken, turned a little to the left. Note the 3 rocks in the foreground in both pics. 45 - up-close shot of chimney from inside house angle.
46 - Gallimore chimney from outside the house. Looks to be pretty close to pointing due north. 47 - Gallimore chimney from outside the house. 48 - Gallimore chimney from outside the house.
49 - the house is to my back and I'm looking in the direction of where I hear running water. 50 - I've walked on down towards the area of running water and am standing in very mushy with water area looking back with the house being slightly out of site on the right. You can see the small creek running towards me. 51 - I've turned a little to my left from pic 50 and am looking at the creek.
52 - I've turned more to the left and am looking towards the spot that the creek is running into. This is the mushy area I referred to earlier pic 50. This could be the spring house location. 53 - ? 54 - pile of rocks where the Stone cabin was located.
55 - While looking for the cemetery we ran across lots of piles of rocks (pic 55) and a rock wall (pic 56) that seemed to run for some distance. 56 - interesting rock wall.
65 - This picture shows the Gallimore graves that can be seen in Linda's picture. (Actually pic 63 shows all 4 gravestones.) The angle of this pic looks pretty close to being the same as Linda's picture. The house off in the distance cannot be the Gallimore house for it is in the opposite direction. We found Ellen Bobbit Gallimore's tombstone on the ground covered with leaves & some dirt (compost). This stone is not in Linda's pic which would imply the picture was taken before Ellen's death on Dec 10, 1931.
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