Stone Genealogy

John Stone (1750-1827)    William Stone (1772-1856)

Samuel Etter (1758 - 1840)

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Born: 1758 Father: Gerhardt Etter (27Jan1718 - 26Apr1783)
Died: 1840 Mother: Catherine Bang (26Oct1717 - 20Apr1788)
Children: Siblings: Elizabeth Etter (Born 27Jul1744)
Peter Etter (16Feb1745 - 03Jun1811)
Sussanna Etter (Born 05Mar1748)
Daniel Etter (27Apr1750 - 05Sep1803)
Anna Maria Etter (08Dec1752 - 1764)
Christian Etter (Born 08Dec1752)
Johannes Etter (Born 04May1755)
John Etter (1759 - 1840)
info from Mary Kegley’s book Early Adventures on the Western Waters, vol 5, pg 253-4
from Ancestry: Samuel Etter(1758–1840) 02Jan1758 • Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, United States
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